
Emotions are muddled and anxiety is running high these days everywhere in the world. The unfortunate reality is, COVID-19 has taken over most of our lives and the constant barrage of news, panic buying and in many cases, isolation is not doing our mental wellness any good. In fact, all we’ve been doing is lying on our yoga mats and try and not to stress eat and spiral out of control.
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Spread the news, tell your friends! Those yoga blocks that you’ve been using in yoga class are way more than something that can “bring the ground up to you”. Oh and for those who don’t have to use the blocks, you’re not better than the rest of us you’re just...better at yoga. Ok fine, we envy you at times (what’s your secret!) yet it’s all out of love. But wait, you’re about to learn that maybe you need those blocks after all because there is so much more to them than meets the eye. We will show you what we mean…
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